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You Are a F&$king Superhero

Writer's picture: Josh VaismanJosh Vaisman

Hey you. Yeah you. Veterinary professionals.

Technicians, client care representatives, doctors, managers, kennel techs, technician assistants, students, faculty, staff….whoever you are. Whatever role you play in your organization.

There’s something you need to hear. Something I need you to know.

You are a fucking superhero.

This year has been, well, a real shit show.

In some ways it feels like the world is trying to implode. And for you, in veterinary medicine, it’s been harder than many.

You’re feeling shorthanded, overwhelmed, and in some cases incredibly alone. The phones are ringing off the hook. The workload is almost unbearable. You’re feeling the uncertainty of it all.

And for those in practice, OMFG, what is up with the onslaught of cranky, nasty-behaving clients?

Yet, your persevere. You endure. You overcome because you are stronger, braver, more courageous than you give yourself credit for.

So I’m here to give you what you deserve.

Sincere love and heartfelt celebration.

Over the past few months I’ve had the honor of speaking with thousands of you. Since this COVID craziness began I’ve spoken at over 3 dozen virtual events, had countless interactions via email and social media, and consulted with several of your hospitals.

Every time I ask some version of the question, “How are you doing?”

You know what I hear? The truth.

You are struggling. This is hard. Our resilience is being challenged.

You know what else I hear?

I am coping. I am enduring. I’m doing well, despite struggle. We are getting by.

That's because you have resilience superpowers. Even if you can't see it, I do. They are there.

Because you are superheroes.

In over 20 years in the veterinary medicine I have fallen in love with this communuity. You inspire and energize me because over and over again I see you for who you are – strong, kind, caring, giving, supportive, wonderful, witty, funny, friggin’ awesome human beings.

This year. This crazy, crazy decade of years compressed into the last 7 months, my love and admiration for you has grown by leaps and bounds. You used to be second to Crumbl cookies. Now you’re #1.

Because you are superheroes.

When others cower in fear, you step up and care. When others lose their cool, you stand tall and respond. When people around you are paralyzed by uncertainty you lean into the suck, feel it, and persevere.

That’s some superhero shit.

These are unprecedented, abnormal times. The normal expectations no longer apply.

I want you to give yourself permission – to adjust the expectations you have for yourself, for each other, and for the people you encounter. Of course you’re struggling. We are all struggling with our reality these days.

I also want to give you permission to see what I see. Your courage, your bravery, your grit, and the incredible good you do each and every day.

You matter. You make a difference. You contribute.

My world, my life, is better because of you. Especially now. And I’m grateful. I appreciate you.

Don’t forget to appreciate yourself.

Because you’re a fucking superhero.



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